Saturday, September 19, 2009

MILE 3487

Day 11. After last night's all-you-can-eat chinese buffet, we wake up from a restless MSG-induced slumber. Green mussels, frog's legs, and crawfish...hmm, hmm, hmm....
Continental breakfast (with hard boiled eggs this time) and we're off to Santa Claus, home of Holiday World and other family oriented attractions. Too many kids...we are outta there.

A moment's distraction in Kentucky when we find several suggestively named communities needing the "WELCOME TO sign photo op collage". Unfortunately, all signs were missing, but the KY countryside just south of Cincinnati was beautiful.
Did make it to the Creationism Museum, but our curiosity was not enough to overcome the required $22 a piece to support the absurdity. So we photographed some of their dinosaurs....

Then headed into Ohio to view some ancient Indian mounds.

This is the Serpent Mound which was built several thousand years ago.
The curves in the "snake" body are designed to match the various sunrise and sunsets and moonrisings and settings. Pretty cool and clever.

And then it was off to the border. After we drove around Point Pleasant, WV for about ten minutes, we turned around and crossed back in to Ohio and got a motel and dinner.
"The Mothman Prophecy", a film based on a 1967 bridge collapse (and some mythological creature) was filmed around here about ten years ago. This weekend in Point Pleasant is the Mothman Festival. The police have the place blocked off right now...we tried to get there but can't.....

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